Sep 2009 Stats



September 2009


Wrap Up

Main Board Stats: There were  16 New Topic Posts for a total of 179 posts with 19 people posting.

FF Board Stats: There was no New Topic Posts for a total of 0 posts with 0 people posting.

Totals for both boards:  19 people posting for a total of 179 posts.

Get Well wishes go out to all that need them! ((Debs and family))

If you haven't already, add your birthday to the list.

Thank you {{{Flipper}}} for the graphics!

Congratulations to  Channdrah for movin' on up!


September Birthdays

12 Birdly



September Returning Posters



September Main Board Summary by Flipper

Calico started the month with a multi subject post about weather, Dragon Con and Labor day weekend plans.

Lorel followed with a peek into Yoville on facebook. Try it if you DARE!

Cyranose with the weekly chat reminder, and let us know he got an autograph from Author Sir Terry Pratchett!

Somebody familiar posted something about a sighting of somebody else sounding familiar.....ok nobody actually sighted anyone but chances were high since a squid was nearby. Beck asked for prayers, she's going through a LOT and we all agreed to send good thoughts and prayers her way.

Lyrical asked for prayers for her mom, we hope they worked and she is much better Lyri.

Sripe jumps in with a birthday post for Birdly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRD!!

Channdrah let us know her friend got a background check done.

Cyranose with a weekly chat reminder, and a new car too! Channdrah also told us it wasn't looking good for her Aunt, and to keep praying for her and the family.

Manto caught us up on the woes in her life, wondering if parents ever get a break. Sending hugs your way Manto!

Channdrah let us know that her Aunt passed on, and asked for prayers for the family. We certainly will keep you in our thoughts.

Cyranose apologized for forgetting the chat reminder, and let us know he had some wonderful Mexican Cuisine.

Aphrael gave some shocking knews about a co-worker that was murdered. We all agree that is something hard to deal with and hope you get through it ok.

Shanna posted the August stats, well done Team Hawkeye and we appreciate you!

Cyranose posted another chat reminder and let us know he doesn't have cancer. If you said anything after that I missed it cause YOU DON'T HAVE CANCER...........YAYYYYYYYYY!

Channdrah asked for some feedback on a youtube video of a friend singing.

Antares finishes up the month with a question, what if she switches the forum back to the free version. Everyone was supportive of her decision to do it if that is what she decides to do.


September Longest Threads


1 Need Prayers!!  Lyrical September 11, 2009 23
2 Castalia Sighting!  axman September 10, 2009 19
3 Do parents ever get a break? Manto September 21, 2009 18
4 August stats Team Hawkeye September 25, 2009 17
5 Chat Tuesday! Cyranose September 14, 2009 16
6 URGENT TIMES A THOUSAND PLEASE!!! channdrah September 23, 2009 14
7 Happy Belated Birthday Birdly (12th Sept)  Stripe September 13, 2009 11
8 Chat Tuesday!  Cyranose September 6, 2009 11
9 OT: Shocked aphrael September 25, 2009 9
Weather, Dragon Con and Labor Day wkend ^Calico^  September 1, 2009 9

FFW Board Summary by ^Calico^

no activity in September


Longest FFW Board Threads by Stripe

no activity in September



September Monthly Top 10


1 Shoshana 31
2 channdrah 27
3 Cyranose 14
4 aphrael 12
5 Lorel 11
6 Antares 10
Kat 10
Shait 10
Beck 10
10 Shamba 9



All Time Top 75 September

Rank Name Posts Rank Name Posts
01 Bluetopaz (01) 19595 39 Lanfear (39) 2112
02 Axman (02) 13693 40 Stripe (40) 2079
03 Kat (03) 13557 41 IN MEMORY OF HELLE 0938
04 Antares (04) 12826 42 Alayna (42) 1875
05 DreamTraveler (05) 11416 43 LdyPegasus (43) 1851
06 Manto (06) 10299 44 Calico (44) 1796
07 Shoshana (07) 9114 45 Aeaea (45) 1704
08 Calee (08) 7981 46 Shambalayogi (46) 1560
09 Birdly (09) 7823 47 Aquillea (47) 1410
10 Ladybug (10) 7771 48 ChaskaShell (48) 1285
11 Keleos (11) 7480 49 Innocent (49) 1275
12 Eeyoraus (12) 6671 50 Tori (50) 1275
13 KhanMan (13) 5573 51 Letheia (51) 1217
14 Sairah (14) 5389 52 ShouLao (52) 1133
15 Maigrey (15) 5094 53 Lil (53) 1035
16 Circe (16) 5008 54 Yvenna (54) 1023
17 OmarSnake (17) 4915 55 Kymscrazy (55) 0950
18 Shiva (18) 4907 56 Channdrah (57) 0953
19 Emerald (19) 4449 57 Jackie (56) 0945
20 Castalia (20) 4145 58 Cyranose (58) 0921
21 Cathbad (21) 4121 59 Blackstar (58) 0903
22 Amyrlin (22) 4096 60 Aphrael (60) 0902
23 ForgetMeNot (23) 3921 61 Red Storm (59) 0874
24 Beck (24) 3905 62 BonaDea (62) 0838
25 Mania (25) 3838 63 Astraea (63) 0824
26 Nydiva (26) 3825 64 FaithAyn (64) 0810
27 Lyric (27) 3712 65 Euterpe (65) 0719
28 CJ (28) 3654 66 Marabella (66) 0717
29 Kristos (29) 3535 67 Hebea (67) 0618
30 Lorel (30) 3499 68 Paladin (68) 0612
31 AneXa (31) 2587 69 Exalis (69) 0594
32 Ouietfire (32) 2540 70 Ahnjunae (70) 0555
33 Honeybunch (33) 2461 71 LonesomeDove (71) 0527
34 Heraclid (34) 2431 72 AmAzOn (72) 0502
35 Flipper (35) 2194 73 TabuMinstrel (73) 0502
36 Feonix (36) 2136 74 Usagi (74) 0465
37 Euridyses (37) 2117 75 Baucis (75) 0458
38 Orlena (38) 2114      
Red indicates change from last month

Other Active Posters

Shait 438
Dixie 150
Aeakos 93
RhodesRules 21


Page Views by Antares


Main Board



FFW Board




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Team Hawkeye consists of Antares, Bluetopaz, Calico, CJ, Flipper, Kat, FMN, Stripe and Shoshana

Mentor: Bluetopaz
Main Board Summary: Kat & Flipper alternate months
FFW stats: Stripe
FFW Summary: ^Calico^
Page Views: Antares
Everything else: Shoshana

On Hiatus: CJ and FMN

Background graphic from The Best Collection of Webimages & Clipart
Disclaimers: This is a Fan created not for profit website and no infringement on any copywriter's creation is intended.
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last updated: July 06, 2009
© Shoshana 1999-2009