The day is coming

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The day is coming

October 22 2006 at 3:48 AM
Harbinger of Death  

With just over a week left, there's plenty of time left to die and join the party, although considerably less time than what you started with. Don't delay...die today.

It is time

If you'd like to create a method of death that isn't offered, feel free to make a new category. This is your year to have it just the way you like it. While I have been something of a control freak in the past, the years I've spent with you people have mellowed me substantially. There's no such thing as a structured agenda or a planned outcome around here, and I can see how that has its appeal. (Sometimes.)

So take your destiny into your own hands. Surely this will be the only time in your life that you can control Death. I suggest you take advantage of it.

And most of all, have fun with it.

P.S. I should tell you that I've been having some connection problems (those stupid sand worms have been disrupting my DSL line), but I'll be doing my best to continue monitoring the situation and answering my e-mail.


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