Wild Thing

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Wild Thing

October 2 2006 at 1:22 PM
Harbinger Of Death

A perky woman grins as you stroll by, gazing at all the various animals in their cages. Tigers, lions, bears, crocodiles, wolves, and other vicious animals pace restlessly in their confines. Each cage has only one door, and all the doors lead to the same place: A large glass chamber. It has one other door which leads to the place where you are standing now. The woman waits by the door, ready to let you in.

“They can gut you, dismember you, shred you, anything you like,” she chirps. “My precious babies.” She makes kissy noises at a cobra, which raises up and hisses at her, fangs bared. “I’ve even got an elephant out back that can trample you. Take your pick.”

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