i must say thank you to the founders of GABS that was a blast... i loved the games was
shocked to find myself on a winning team... generally i'm on the team that tries its
darnedest but comes up short... not this time we DID IT.... ya teammates!!!!!! while the
meal itself left LOTS to be desired the company more than made up for the food...
oh wait there is something else... for those who know me.... i was NEVER cold in san
fran... the weather was wonderful.... i never had to put on a jacket.... there were times
it was close... but i never broke out the jacket....
i was there for saturday only......
got to the con.... there was very little to no herk merchandise... and i understand
that not all the promised photos of kevin
smith were available.... dont know cause i'm short of cash and dont do photos..... they
did have some nice jewelry..... but short of cash..... so on to the con....
they had one usher..... yes ONE usher... general admit was the last 3 rows
down stairs... the seats werent too bad considering..... sat with apollena and marit later
we were joined by Taraus Rat and Tyche
ok.... now the place is really empty and they show some stuff.... then have
Robert Field come out... he was interesting but they cut him short....
creations did NOT have microphones set up for any q/a timeperiod we had to
shout questions from our chairs.... very very freaking satisfying......couldnt hear the
questions being asked and the sound guy
was asleep and didnt want to be awakened cause we could barely hear the
speakers even tho they had microphones.....the wired kind... cause zeus above creations
should get wireless......
saw some new herk bloopers.... not great but fun anyway... saw some new slides for
upcoming eps... can we shout DISAPPOINTING they were the dumbest of slides... why even
bother????.... they showed the top 10 greatest xena moments..... picked by some fans and
folks at creations.... then one of the dumbest things on the making of the bitter
suite.... which wasnt about the
making of the show but little interviews that local stations could use if they wanted to
promo the show bitter suite..... we saw rob say the same thing 2 or 3 times..... i was
getting a caffine withdrawl headache so i
chose to get a soda.... so yes i missed part of the no minimum bid but since apollena and
tyche and i had about 15.75 we were generally out bid everytime....<G>....ok now we
are getting into the late in the day and
now the crowd will arrive cause after all eli is on and then smithy...didnt happen the big
crowd on sat never arrived.... the video for Tim was Missionary Man.... sorry dont know
the group...
tim/eli... has short hair.... is a cutie..... he told about his friendship with ted
rami which is how he got the job on xener.... he talked about how he was at the first
costume fitting/discussion and how it didnt take long
to put his body in the green moo moo ......from what i saw of that body....
it was an injustice.... he has a body worth seeing... then we went on to
tell about his first day on the set.... he was so excited, he flew to nz
and went into the first meeting, lucy was siting there reading her
script... hi i'm tim i play eli i'm so happy to meet you..... lucy looks up
from her script... oh hi.... and goes back to reading... tim is
confused.... renee walks in.... he says... hi i'm tim... i play eli.....
renee looks him up and down... says hi... sits down and starts to read her
script..... ted had told him that they were friendly folk now he is really
confused... he said no one laughed at his jokes.... he was very lonely....
the meeting broke up..... there he sat all jet lagged and loggie.... and he
had no friends... NO one had been kind to him...... he said he was very
saddend.... then the door burst open and renee and lucy came gigglinging in
ted rami had put them up to the joke only it was to have lasted all week
but they felt sorry for him.... he was asked if xena's baby will be his....
but he said he couldnt give out any plot stories...... he took a few
questions..... did well......
smithy.... came on stage..... ya ya ya.... did tell an amusing story about
filming lawless.... he had to kiss joel (strife/demos) in the show... he
said it was amazing... kiss a woman and its ok with one maybe two takes...
but with joel it took at least 25 takes..... and with each take it got
harder and harder...... well...... that line got a HUGE laugh in san
fran..... and he then had to try to explain what he meant....LOL he refused
to give any hints or clues about if he is the father of xeners baby... i'm
sure most of the smithsonians will give a larger detail of what was said
and stuff... i simply dont remember other than he entertained me...... he
was cut short too for autographing.....
ok.... so now it is time for autographing...gary says that..... since the
crowd is small everyone will get an autograph.... ..... sooooooooo i go out
and buy a picture for autographing..... they held the time for
autographing for a little longer and got only the gold and prefered..... i
went up to gary and asked if i could return my photo on sunday cause i
didnt want it without an autograph... i said i understood as general admit
i was not guareenteed an autograph and if i couldnt i under stood.... he
looked at the line and said these three are the last... me, TR, and
now on to the caberet.......
joel played lead guitar..... kevin sang.... danielle sang ..... tim did
something with a harmonica.... they did ok..... it was fun.... tim brought
beer to the band....a group wanted kevin to sing happy birthday to the
birthday girl.... so he did... he started by imitating marilyn manroe.....
then he went gilbert and sullivan....i cant remember all the songs or what
order they were in but..... the encore song was "sweet transvetive
transsexual from translyvannia" from rocky horror....... i will say that
kevin look dropped dead beautiful... during a tom jones number a woman ran
up and tossed her panties onto the stage..... every time kevin did
anything with his pelvis it caused a huge shreeking from the women in the
knowing that i forgot LOTS and i missed a day i will just leave this as my
con report
i took one yes one photo..... and it wasnt at the con so others will have to provide
photographic evidence of the con... ![](../images/biggrin.gif)