Having a Blast

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Having a Blast

October 11 2006 at 9:30 PM

Sorry, hope this is OK, even though Harby didn't give the option that kills HB here!

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"Son of a Minotaur," muttered HoneyBunch, with a shudder, "but those stations all look way too creepy for me! I'm not sure what to do about my own demise this year. I kinda liked the surprise factor before. Hmmm, got to think about this."

And with that, she braced an elbow on her hand and her fingers to her lips in the classic pose of profound pondering, then strolled away toward the DebU gardens, which she had not seen in many months due to unusually long journeys with Iolaus and Hercules. She smiled approvingly at how well the garden areas had been tended and cultivated, walking around and admiring each colorful prospect.

"Maybe I'll find some poison toadstools out here, they are often found growing tucked away in the shadowy, moist places," she muttered to herself as she pushed between sprawling shrubbery and tall flowers that were tumbling in the soft ground as the season neared its end. "OH yes, look at that, over there! It looks like a puffball mushroom, but it's the wrong color, all icky green. Probably poisonous. Well, let me dig in and try some...I hope it tastes good!"

HB took out her digging knife and proceeded to slice into the pumpkin-sized object that did appear to be either a new kind of toadstool or a very unusual sort of puffball. As the knife split the object, the world seemed to instantaneously explode into fragments of deafening noise and blinding light, then there was nothingness...as HB felt her soul separate from her dismembered, bloody pulp of a lifeless body.

"WOW!! Talk about a surprise factor! Whoever planted that bomb out here must have suspected I'd be the one to find it!"

Her shade executed a twirl in midair, then a cartwheel as she gleefully anticipated the delights of the afterlife party.

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