posted October 22, 1999 10:50 AM
Ok folks, I'm not very good at writing these things up.. and I'm usually too busy
taking pics to remember half of what the guests said but I'll give it a shot here. Please forgive me if this is a bit disjointed.
The con weekend actually started for me very early Wednesday morning with a mad dash
through commute traffic to the airport to pick up Kendaa. Her plane was right on time and
after a short wait I easily spotted her coming through customs... Hard to miss her with
the huge box of Tim Tams she was carrying! A few hugs and
squeals and it was off to my car and back to my home. We managed to get everything inside,
talking non-stop of course, and I got to present her with the first of the 16 (or more)
bears she collected this weekend. Unfortunately for me I couldnt take the entire day off
so after getting her settled I headed to work and left Kendaa to try to get a nap.
Wednesday night was spent chatting and catching up... with a side trip to my brother's
to pick up his digital camera. This was the only night I actually went to bed at a
reasonable time. LOL Kendaa was still suffering from jet lag and I had to work a couple of
hours the next morning.
As sson as I got home Thursday we headed out on a sight seeing expedition. I'd promised
Kendaa that we would have lunch in Hercules. (Yes, there
is a town in the SF Bay Area named Hercules.) We had a nice lunch there then spent some
time driving around the town. We even managed to find the corner of Hercules and Zeus and
drove on Olympus and Apollo. We were having a blast finding all the different street
names... Athena, Titan, Bacchus, and Nike are the ones I remember... oh and there was a
Hera street as well. Unfortunately we never did find an Ares street before we had to leave
once more for the airport to pick up Cassopeia. (We made it with 15 minutes to spare
before her plane came in.)
More hugs and squeals when Cass came off the plane. Then it was off once more for a
drive through commute traffic. Ah well, who cares how long the drive is when you've got
three Amazons talking non-stop??? We spent the evening
talking and showing each other goodies and watching tapes of the new Herk eps before I
finally crawled in bed at about 1:30 in the morning.
Well guys, hate to do this but I have to head for work now... More later, I promise!